Algeria and BRICS — dream or eventuality?

Outlet: Arab News

Language: English

Abstract: Amid Algeria's aspiration to join BRICS, questions arise about its readiness for such a move. While excluded from the bloc's expansion plans, Algeria's bid reflects a strategic shift toward emerging economies. However, challenges such as fossil fuel dependency and geopolitical rivalries may hinder its BRICS dream. Algeria's economic stability and proactive foreign policy present opportunities for increased influence, especially in Africa. Yet, navigating complex relationships and balancing existing ties with Europe pose challenges. Joining BRICS could reshape power dynamics in the Maghreb, impacting regional stability and relations with Morocco. Algeria's proactive diplomacy in brokering agreements and supporting regional stability reflects its ambitions and exposes it to security risks. Despite the potential benefits, Algeria must navigate internal challenges and reconcile its aspirations with evolving global dynamics to realize its BRICS ambitions and redefine its international footprint.

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