Political tremors in Chad are felt much further afield

Outlet: Arab News

Language: English

Abstract: The Sahel, spanning 4,000 miles along the Sahara's southern fringe, faces heightened instability, with Chad becoming the latest hotspot. Recent violence in N’Djamena underlines the region's precarious security dynamics, amplified by sociopolitical unrest and economic despair. Chad's internal strife, stemming from years of authoritarian rule, mirrors a regional trend of military dominance over democratic processes, plunging the Sahel into chaos. The risk of further conflict looms, compounded by potential external interventions, including the involvement of the Wagner Group. Chad's fragility extends beyond its borders, threatening neighbouring countries already grappling with crises. Addressing this crisis demands a holistic approach prioritizing governance reforms, economic development, and regional diplomacy over a narrow security focus.

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