What the world continues to get wrong about Libya

Outlet: Arab News

Language: English

Abstract: In the ongoing efforts to stabilize Libya, the upcoming Sirte National Reconciliation Summit faces significant hurdles due to entrenched divisions within the country and the influence of foreign actors. Past diplomatic initiatives have struggled to address Libya's complex political landscape, and the Sirte summit is no exception. Despite noble intentions, the summit's success is uncertain, with deep mistrust among factions and a lack of enthusiasm from the Libyan populace. This pattern reflects a broader failure of international efforts, rooted in a misunderstanding of Libya's internal dynamics and an overreliance on outdated diplomatic tactics. The insistence on imposing Western-style democracy, overlooking local governance culture, and prioritizing strategic interests over Libyan welfare has hindered progress. Moving forward, a paradigm shift is needed to empower Libyan civil society and local institutions, allowing Libyans to lead the reconciliation process themselves.

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