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Can the UN’s new plan for Libya overcome the ‘chicken or egg’ paradox?

Outlet: Arab News

Language: English

Abstract: The recent plan by UN envoy Abdoulaye Bathily to revive Libya's political process amid ongoing turmoil has garnered attention. The proposal aims to organize elections this year through an electoral steering committee comprising diverse Libyan stakeholders. While the plan offers hope, concerns linger over its implementation and post-election governance. Libya's entrenched elite's resistance to change and lack of good governance pose significant challenges, making credible elections elusive. Despite international support, Libyans persist in scepticism due to past disappointments and ongoing power struggles. Overcoming these hurdles will require concerted efforts from the international community, including regional players like Egypt and Turkey, and a Security Council more actively engaged in the process. Security remains a paramount concern, given the presence of armed factions and foreign mercenaries. Amid uncertainties, Bathily's plan offers a chance to reinvigorate Libya's transition, provided it navigates complex political dynamics and safeguards against manipulation by vested interests.

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