
Explore an archive of Hafed Al-Ghwell’s publications, ranging from academic papers to opinion pieces and columns. The archive spans Hafed’s contributions to the fields of Middle Eastern and North African studies, particularly in the fields of security, migration, energy, sustainability, and the nuanced dynamics of US and EU foreign policies in relation to the region.

Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

A difficult decade ahead for the UN

The UN faces its greatest test yet amid global crises, with doubts arising about its efficacy in fulfilling its role as a force for global good. Despite well-defined mandates, interventions in hotspots like Libya and the Sahel…

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Migration Hafed Al-Ghwell Migration Hafed Al-Ghwell

Dealing with the Afghan refugee crisis

Six months since the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, a dire humanitarian crisis persists, exacerbated by drought, violence, and the pandemic. Punitive measures have worsened the situation, with nearly 9 million Afghans facing starvation due to suspended aid.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Libya on the cusp of another decade of chaos

Libya's attempt at holding presidential elections amid political turmoil and institutional deficiencies resulted in a failed endeavor. Despite a decade of instability since Muammar Qaddafi's removal, efforts for democratization failed due to disputes over candidates…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

The anti-terror coalition is asleep at the wheel

The resurgence of Daesh (ISIS) as a formidable global security threat is demonstrated by a sophisticated attack on the Ghweyran prison in northeast Syria. Despite assertions of Daesh's decline, gaps in global response and power vacuums on the ground allow the group to thrive.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Arab world must learn to live with COVID-19

Governments globally are struggling to adapt to the evolving COVID-19 landscape, especially with the emergence of new variants and persistent challenges. Vaccine inequality and hesitancy exacerbate the situation, threatening the success of ‘zero COVID’ policies.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Libya – adrift in a fragmented worldOutlet

Global crises and great power rivalry reflect a broader interregnum in geopolitics, with Libya serving as a microcosm of this chaos. The failure of the democratic transition in Libya has allowed malign interests to exploit the country's vulnerabilities…

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