Explore an archive of Hafed Al-Ghwell’s publications, ranging from academic papers to opinion pieces and columns. The archive spans Hafed’s contributions to the fields of Middle Eastern and North African studies, particularly in the fields of security, migration, energy, sustainability, and the nuanced dynamics of US and EU foreign policies in relation to the region.
The harsh realities facing Lebanon as it approaches a moment of truth
Lebanon, once dubbed the ‘Paris of the Middle East,’ now serves as an epitome of state failures. The collapse of the economy, signalled by rising unemployment, poverty, and crime, is the result of a broken political system that prioritises consensus above competence.
Tunisia needs to repair its broken education system
The aspirations of young Arabs for fundamental changes in politics, governance, human rights, and economic development are hindered by structural deficits, particularly in healthcare and education. The failure to address these issues leads to…
A difficult decade ahead for the UN
The UN faces its greatest test yet amid global crises, with doubts arising about its efficacy in fulfilling its role as a force for global good. Despite well-defined mandates, interventions in hotspots like Libya and the Sahel…
The prospects for elections in Libya remain slim to none
In the ongoing political deadlock in post-civil war Libya, opposing factions refuse to compromise, hindering the transition process. Despite calls for collaboration, both sides remain unwavered, complicating efforts to find a resolution.
Dealing with the Afghan refugee crisis
Six months since the Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan, a dire humanitarian crisis persists, exacerbated by drought, violence, and the pandemic. Punitive measures have worsened the situation, with nearly 9 million Afghans facing starvation due to suspended aid.
How to deal with the pandemic’s ‘shadow variant’
The COVID-19 pandemic has had devastating global effects beyond public health, including economic collapse, crippled international trade, and increased inequality. Governments face challenges in mapping out sustainable paths to recovery, exacerbated by…
The shifting perceptions of the ‘new’ Middle East
Arab states' intervention in the Ethiopian conflict challenges conventional perceptions, signaling a shift in regional engagement towards transregional affairs for security and stability. However, there are a few misconceptions that persist due to outdated views…
Libya on the cusp of another decade of chaos
Libya's attempt at holding presidential elections amid political turmoil and institutional deficiencies resulted in a failed endeavor. Despite a decade of instability since Muammar Qaddafi's removal, efforts for democratization failed due to disputes over candidates…
Arab governments must rise to meet the greatest challenges of our time
Governments across the Arab world are facing a multitude of challenges, from the pandemic to regional tensions and socioeconomic disparities. While addressing COVID-19 remains a top priority, the region's most pressing issue is the plight…
The anti-terror coalition is asleep at the wheel
The resurgence of Daesh (ISIS) as a formidable global security threat is demonstrated by a sophisticated attack on the Ghweyran prison in northeast Syria. Despite assertions of Daesh's decline, gaps in global response and power vacuums on the ground allow the group to thrive.
Why now is not the time for elections in Libya
Libya's pursuit of a stable post-conflict state through elections faces many challenges, particularly as there is influence of various actors seeking to maintain power and control over resources.
Good governance the key to Arab world progress
The Arab world faces unprecedented challenges, yet governance transformation remains stagnant. Despite a surge in optimism and a shift towards dialogue, internal dynamics hinder progress.
Arab world must learn to live with COVID-19
Governments globally are struggling to adapt to the evolving COVID-19 landscape, especially with the emergence of new variants and persistent challenges. Vaccine inequality and hesitancy exacerbate the situation, threatening the success of ‘zero COVID’ policies.
Elections are not the panacea for Libya’s ills
The international community’s premature promotion of Libya’s December elections failed to adequately consider the country’s complex dynamics, plagued by institutional weaknesses and political divisions.
Libya – adrift in a fragmented worldOutlet
Global crises and great power rivalry reflect a broader interregnum in geopolitics, with Libya serving as a microcosm of this chaos. The failure of the democratic transition in Libya has allowed malign interests to exploit the country's vulnerabilities…
A new kind of security for the Middle East
The Arab world is undergoing significant shifts, with opportunities for long-term peace emerging amidst challenges posed by sub-state groups, governance failures, and violent extremism.
Can the nations of the Middle East navigate this make-or-break decade?
The world's emergence from the COVID-19 pandemic is marked by challenges such as energy shortages, supply chain disruptions, and chip shortages, threatening global stability. The Middle East and North Africa region, with its unique attributes, is central…
How organized crime bleeds the Middle East dry
Efforts to reshape the Arab world amid shifting geopolitical realities are threatened by the rise of transnational organized crime, affecting over 75% of the world's population. In the Arab region, crimes like human trafficking…
Cancer of corruption is destroying Lebanon’s soul
The Beirut port explosion investigation confronts relentless obstruction from Lebanon's entrenched political elite, evidenced by two suspensions and threats against Judge Bitar. Despite these challenges…
How shameless self-interest is sabotaging Libya
Libyans eagerly anticipate December elections, yet entrenched domestic actors and international meddling threaten progress. While elections offer hope for change, vested interests aim to obstruct, fearing a unified government's accountability.