
Explore an archive of Hafed Al-Ghwell’s publications, ranging from academic papers to opinion pieces and columns. The archive spans Hafed’s contributions to the fields of Middle Eastern and North African studies, particularly in the fields of security, migration, energy, sustainability, and the nuanced dynamics of US and EU foreign policies in relation to the region.

Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

The cost of missed opportunities in the Maghreb

The Arab Maghreb Union's dream of unity remains elusive due to political hostilities and external pressures. Despite calls for economic integration, skepticism among Maghreb countries persists, and tensions between Algeria and Morocco hinder progress…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Pluralism and the Arab world

The Arab world, with its diverse population and complex history, struggles to embrace pluralism amid sociopolitical challenges. Attempts at inclusive Arab identity often yield to exclusive elitism, hindering progress…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Libya faces the same old problems in the new year

Even though a new year has begun, Libya is still engulfed in an extended conflict reminiscent of previous turbulent years. The nation remains fragmented and vulnerable to manipulation by both internal and external forces as a result of the failure of attempts at political reconciliation.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Strategic autonomy in Arab world’s sights

The Middle East and North Africa face unpredictable futures amidst internal and external challenges, including climate change, regional tensions, and socioeconomic pressures. Despite some macroeconomic optimism, disparities persist, with oil-importing countries…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Reclaiming a lost half-century in Libya

Amidst the tumultuous aftermath of the Qaddafi regime's collapse, Libya remains engulfed in conflict, with power struggles over oil wealth fueling the chaos. The country's fragmented state, marked by porous borders and persistent instability, contributes to trafficking and migration…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

What next for Tunisia?

Amidst preparations for upcoming elections in Tunisia, President Kais Saied manoeuvres to consolidate power, wielding constitutional changes to favour his hyper-presidency. The alterations undermine legislative authority, cementing a system where the government answers solely to the presidency.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

There is no clear end in sight to Libya’s deadlock

In a frustrating acknowledgment of Libya's perpetual deadlock, the UN's 10th special envoy, Abdoulaye Bathily, concedes the absence of a clear resolution. The international community's flawed approach, exemplified by the controversial ICC prosecutor's meeting with Haftar…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Iraq – is there hope at last?

In the wake of last year's elections, Iraq's journey towards stability has been marred by violence and political deadlock, escalated by endemic corruption and unemployment. However, Abdul Latif Rashid's recent election as president offers a glimmer of hope for change…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Libya – no new momentum in stalled aspirations

Amidst a decade of turmoil characterized by ineffective governance, competing authorities, external interventions, and sporadic violence, the recent appointment of Abdoulaye Bathily as the UN's special representative for Libya reflects a continuation of destructive patterns.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

There is plenty of blame to go around in Libya

Once again, violence grips Tripoli as Libya's parallel authorities clash, perpetuating a cycle of conflict amid stalled UN-led dialogues. The struggle for control over oil revenues escalates tensions, with rival factions resorting to disrupting oil production…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Iraq gets deeper and deeper into a political quagmire

Ten months after the crucial parliamentary elections in Iraq, the nation remains trapped in an ongoing political deadlock. Despite initial hopes for change, the formation of broad coalitions representing Shiite, Sunni, and Kurdish interests has failed to break the deadlock.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

On debt, shocks, climate and geopolitics in the Arab world

In the face of convergent crises, including record food inflation and pre-existing socioeconomic challenges, Arab countries find themselves grappling with shrinking fiscal space and incomplete interventions. Rising debt levels, escalated by the pandemic and global supply chain disruptions…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

In Tunisia, the dice is still rolling

President Kais Saied's recent consolidation of power in Tunisia is a move that has raised alarms about democratic regression. While Saied's supporters see his actions as a necessary response to Tunisia's political and economic challenges, critics view them as undermining the country's hard-won democratic gains.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Iraq stares into the void as public frustration grows

Recent protests in Iraq saw demonstrators storm the parliament in Baghdad's Green Zone, demonstrating ongoing political turmoil and public discontent. Despite decades of war, sanctions, and internal strife, Iraq continues to struggle with political gridlock, sectarian tensions…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Last hope for Tunisia

Tunisians are currently facing a crucial decision: whether to endorse a new constitution that consolidates power in a presidency reminiscent of the Ben Ali era or to revive the spirit of the Arab Spring and resist President Kais Saied's authoritarian ambitions.

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

A pivotal month for Tunisia

A decade ago, Tunisia's transition from autocracy to democracy sparked hope and optimism globally. However, President Kais Saied's recent power grab has reversed progress. Saied's moves, including dismantling the judiciary and proposing a new…

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Security Hafed Al-Ghwell Security Hafed Al-Ghwell

Non-security Challenges to Libya’s economy

Libya finds itself at a pivotal moment, navigating political turmoil and division a decade after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi's regime. Despite setbacks such as the collapse of national elections, the country's economic prospects remain promising, buoyed by its abundant resources and strategic location.

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